Allan Lavell - Technical Portfolio


  • Canadian programmer, entrepreneur
  • Shipped over 10 products (4 independent iOS apps)
  • Highly motivated to do good on this planet
  • LinkedIn  X  Instagram

ShiftKey Labs

ShiftKey Labs

- Program Coordinator
  • Lead Developer of ShiftKey Academy Up Curriculum
  • Coordinating Events & Hackathons
  • ShiftKey Academy Reimbursement Coordinator
  • React Native, Firebase, iOS, Android
Glitch X

Glitch X

- Product Lead
  • Core app architecture & implementation
  • Authoring visual filters
  • App Store optimization & marketing
  • Swift, Metal, AVFoundation
Dalhousie University
  • Designing & instructing CSCI 5193: Technology Innovation
  • Teaching Agile programming & full-stack apps
  • Leading startup workshops & hackathons
  • React, Angular, Firebase
  • UI/UX co-design & implementation
  • Creating AR graphics engine
  • Ensuring uptime & shipping regular releases
  • Objective-C, Swift, Metal, ARKit


- Senior Software Engineer
  • Within VR app issue diagnosis & resolution
  • Native iOS plugin engineering
  • XR R&D
  • Unity, C#, Objective-C
Arcturus XR

Arcturus XR

- Senior Software Engineer
  • Re-architecting HoloEdit UI
  • Core HoloEdit issue diagnosis & resolution
  • Product testing
  • C++, Qt, Visual Studio


- Consultant, Data Solutions
  • Data plotter design & UX guidance
  • Data plotter rendering optimization
  • Data plotter core issue diagnosis & resolution
  • Angular, Highcharts


- Consultant, Creator Tools
  • Integrating acquired tech into the app
  • Core app issue diagnosis & resolution
  • Implementing new video editing features
  • Swift, AVFoundation, CoreML
  • UI/UX co-design & implementation
  • Streaming engine from Metal to OBS
  • Leading dev team to implement AR graphics
  • Swift, Metal, ARKit
Hype Machine

Hype Machine

- Consultant
  • App debugging & optimization
  • UI implementation
  • iOS deployment & technical support
  • Objective-C


- Consultant, Graphics
  • Video filter design & implementation
  • UI Performance Optimization
  • Web graphics context prototyping
  • React, WebGL
Glitch Wizard

Glitch Wizard

- Product Lead
  • App branding, design, UI/UX
  • Leading dev team to build graphics engine
  • Independent publishing & Apple feature
  • Objective-C, GLSL, GPUImage